ZERO COST !! Start Earning in Lazada Affiliate Marketing: Earn Money through commission Using blogspot
1 year ago Asia Dropship King

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ZERO COST !! Start Earning in Lazada Affiliate Marketing: Earn Money through commission Using Blogger .
ZERO COST Earn in Lazada Affiliate Marketing: Earn Money through commission using blogger
In today”s video i am going to teach you how you can start earning in Lazada Affiliate Marketing without any cost by using blogspot
Learn The Complete How to Sell ON Lazada and Dropship with Kumoten
In order for you to do so you need 3 things
1) an involve asia account – FREE
2) Lazada Affiliate Marketing – FREE
I included the link on how to apply for an free involve asia account and also lazada affiliate marketing below, feel free to have a look on it .
Cara Daftar Affiliate Lazada Malaysia- Buat Duit Melalui Program Affiliate Lazada Tanpa Kos
3) and you also need a blogger account – FREE
Alright lets learn how you can start earning in Lazada Affiliate Marketing without any cost by using blogger .
- Go to blogger and get yourself a free blogger account with your gmail . If you do not have a gmail account , just register one , it is free.
- Display name is the name where how others will see you as , you can change it later on .
- When you done click on continue to blogger .
- Put a title for your blog.If you are plan to sell clothes using lazada affilitate , you can put a title that is related to clothers.
- Address is your web address .
- The theme is the layout of your web site . You can change the theme later on as well . So do not too worry about it for now.
- Alright , one last thing that you need to do is to create a Lazada Affiliate Marketing product link for people to click and buy .
- Go to your involve asia account and search for lazada .and click on generate link
- What we want to work on over here is the “Advance” or what we call deeplinking .These are links that i generated previously , you get to track your old link over here as well.
- A deep link in lazada affiliate marketing simlpy means that a link that able to direct customer to a specific product.
- In order to generate a deep link , you need to have the specific lazada product”s web site url .Now lets go to lazada and choose the product that you want to sell on your blogspot.
- For example , i want to sell this spring shirt , all i need to do is copy this url over here and paste it to “insert destination url ” column over here, and click on generate.
- This generated link over here , is the link that you need to put into your Lazada Affiliate Marketing blog.
- Copy this link and paste it on your Lazada Affiliate Marketing blogspot. Well it looks ugly right the whole link over here ? Is ok i will teach you how to tidy up it later on.
- Before that ,you need to download the photo of the spring shirt , so just go back to lazada ,and save this image . You can save as much photos as you like.
- You can copy and paste the title for this shirt into your blogspot .and upload your photo.
- Ok now , lets do some house keeping.What we wana do here is that we want to create a “click here” and buy now link.
- type in something like buy this awesome shirt here , and copy the link that generated from involve asia , highlight “buy this awesome shirt here” and click on the “link” button here
- You will see a pop up box like this .
- What you want to do is to paste the generated link from involve aisa and paste it into this web address box here.
- What it does is that when people click on buy this awesome shirt here” , it will direct the customer to the exact product site in lazada .
- You should see “buy this awesome shirt here” is now in blue colour .
- lets do abit more housekeeping . And publish when you are ready .So lets test the link . yeah it works .
You can post as much products as possible into your Lazada Affiliate Marketing blogspot.
>>Book a Free Online Demo to see how to sell better and automate your lazada Business
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